
”The true friend is the one who’s coming in the door while everyone else is going out. Friends are the ones who love you when you’re hard to love, stand by you when it’s not the popular thing to do and are there for you when you need it, even if it means they don’t get anything back.”

Friday, February 20, 2009

akta makanan 1985

ari ni subjek KPTM 1214 Teknologi Makanan....
best btul... entah knapa pulak sa tb2 suka teknologi makanan ni....
sa kuat makan ko...eheheee.....

first about pemprosesan makanan - sos (soya, tomato, cili)
second about pemprosesan makanan - minyak masak (kelapa sawit)

best sgt... bljar sikit akta makanan....

klau berminat masuk ja web site ni...

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