
”The true friend is the one who’s coming in the door while everyone else is going out. Friends are the ones who love you when you’re hard to love, stand by you when it’s not the popular thing to do and are there for you when you need it, even if it means they don’t get anything back.”

Sunday, January 25, 2009

CNY 2009, KKAK

Happy Chinese New Year to all my chinese friends...
satu pengalaman baru menyambut CNY kat kolej...
ingatkan pengalaman 2008 countdown berulang...
jauh berbeza... sgt berbeda...
punya la meriah...
hampir semua member kolej yg stay kat hostel gumpul kat depan kolej...
tgk bunga api... percuma la katakan... fuyoo....
best giler....

tb2 teringatkn member baik n kesygn yg tgh celebrate CNY kat kmpg dia...

mesti meriah...

tgh2 blogging ni ada pulak org YM sa...

alamak.... dia ni la pulak...

layan la... cerita2 lawak dia...

kalau kat kpg jarang btl dpt jumpa dia...

kalau da jauh2 ni ada pulak dia YM...

"in la sui a... telo aliko... gak liko telo dbei, kik... gak liko a, kik"

layan jer la... ehehe...


Niesa said...

biar bena banyak org kumpul kat depan... bbest eh.... dak mpuan pun kuar juak ka?

wil_phil said...

Shiori.... aku asa samua mmbr hostel kluar... gumpul rami2 kat dpan kolej.... nangga bunga api... empuan... laki.. ada... wak sekeluarga.... canteen's crew... pun ada....